Edcamp Advisory Board – Digital Promise

Edcamp Advisory Board

Javier F. Aguilar

Computer Science Teacher + Robotics Coach
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
Watauga, Texas
Edcamp Edcamp EFWMA

Javier is in his tenth year of working at East Fort Worth Montessori Academy as a bilingual technology applications / computer science teacher and robotics coach for Pre-K to 5th grade. He teaches computer science, principles of coding, and how to use technology to make a difference. He is an active Edcamp EFWMA organizer who is committed to making positive changes in education to better equip students for the future. He also enjoys learning from and networking with other educators in Dallas/Fort Worth and often attends online Edcamps to share his knowledge and passion for coding, gamification, robotics, STEAM and MinecraftEdu.

“I like to attend Edcamps because I get to increase my knowledge! I also get to meet new educators who have the same passion to share and learn for the benefit of ALL of our students!”

Javier Aguilar
Javier F. Aguilar

Dr. Desiree Alexander

Founder CEO
Alexander Consulting
Shreveport, Louisiana
Edcamp nLA

Dr. Desiree is an award-winning, multi-degreed educator who is Founder CEO of Educator Alexander Consulting, LLC and the Deputy Director for the Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana. She is an international speaker who consults with conferences, districts, schools, individual educators and businesses. Educator Alexander Consulting empowers educators to discover and amplify the intrinsic desire to become innovators in education and aims to create a worldwide network of educators focused on the constant and consistent improvement of education for our students. Learn more at www.educatoralexander.com.

“My favorite thing about Edcamp is its tenets!”

Dr. Desiree Alexander

Juli-Anne Benjamin

Managing Director of Curriculum & Instruction, K-8 Humanities
Newark Public Charter Schools
Newark, NJ
Edcamp Newark (NJ) and Edcamp Brooklyn

Juli-Anne is a veteran educator who has dedicated her life to educating children, primarily in urban schools in Brooklyn, New York City and currently in Newark, NJ. A highly qualified teacher and life-long learner, she has been trained by Columbia University’s Teachers College Instructional Coaching cycles in workshop methodologies and small group instruction, as well as Harvard University’s Graduate School of Professional Education. She champions “read alouds” in literacy lessons, and grounds instructional practices in building culturally sustaining classroom libraries as a pathway to ensure children have the right to read and receive excellent literacy instruction. Juli-Anne is the proud and humble founder of EdcampNewark (NJ) and EdcampBROOKLYN, marrying her commitment and dedication to teacher leadership as a way to deliver to students the most effective instruction, rich with their voice and choice. She works tirelessly within social justice and equity frameworks to include teachers of color into emerging and democratic professional learning spaces, and is overjoyed to serve on the Edcamp Community Advisory Board, The Jane Addams Peace Association Executive Board and former Member of the Board of The International Literacy Association, (ILA). Juli-Anne is a Doctoral Candidate, a Professor at Seton Hall University and works as the Managing Director of Curriculum & Instruction, K-8 Humanities in The Newark Public Charter School System in NJ.

Juli-Anne Benjamin

Todd L. Brist, Ed.D.

Watertown Middle School
Watertown, South Dakota

Todd has been the principal at Watertown Middle School in South Dakota for 12 years. He has an accomplished roster including: AMLE Board of Trustees, South Dakota Association of Middle Level Educators (SDAMLE) Board of Directors (Past President), NAESP Editorial Advisory Board, and 2016 South Dakota Middle School Principal of the Year. He now adds Edcamp Advisory Board member to the list. Todd is also a member of NASSP/SDASSP, NAESP/ SDAESP, AMLE/SDAMLE, and ASCD/SDASCD. He is an Adjunct Professor at Northern State University & Mount Marty University, is active with the Boys and Girls Club (past president), is a national, regional, and local presenter, former high school principal (3 years) and middle school and high school teacher (12 years). And, he is an avid Prince fan!

“What I love about Edcamp is the big board–I love seeing all of the ideas that come from the participants and then how the experts in the room bring those ideas to life (and how it gives them a chance to shine).”

Todd L. Brist, Ed.D.

Hadley Ferguson

Retired Teacher and Educational Consultant
Philadelphia, PA

Hadley is a lifelong teacher and innovator. She spent decades in the classroom as a middle school history teacher, was named a “Teacher of the Future” by NAIS, and was a member of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Mentor Advisory group. She left the classroom to bring her brainchild, Edcamp, to hundreds of thousands of teachers across the globe. She is a co-founder and former executive director of the Edcamp Foundation, as well as an organizer of the first participant-driven, professional learning event for teachers by teachers, EdcampPhilly. Hadley was instrumental in helping Edcamp Ukraine launch and has been an ongoing advisor to their leadership. Hadley co-authored Unleashing Student Superpowers: Practical Teaching Strategies for 21st Century Students. She has presented at a variety of conferences, including ISTE, National Middle School Association, Educational Computing Conference of Ontario, SXSW Edu, and Educon.

Hadley Ferguson

Michael Fisher

Instructional Coach, Educational Consultant, Author
Amherst, New York
EdCamp WNY

Michael is a former teacher who is now a full-time author and instructional coach. He works with schools around the country, helping to sustain curriculum upgrades, design curriculum, and modernize instruction in immersive technology. He has taught a variety of grade levels and content areas over the years, primarily in middle schools. Michael is the author of several books published by ASCD, Solution Tree, and Times10 publications, most recently The Quest for Learning and Hacking Instructional Design. Learn more at www.digigogy.com.

“I love Edcamp because it’s personalized and relevant professional development!”

Michael Fisher

Shaina Glass

Senior Professional Learning Manager
Computer Science Teacher Association
Houston, TX
EdcampVoxer, EdcampHTown, EdcampTABSE, Edcamp Houston, Edcamp Aldine

Shaina has been in K-12 education for the last 18 years, educating students and teachers alike. Her goal has always been to share her knowledge and love of learning in new, innovative ways with all learners. As Technology Applications/STEM Program Director, she worked to expand equitable access to STEM and computer science instruction to all over 65,000 school students. She led, supported, and implemented technology applications and STEM programs, instruction, and events for students PK- 12th grade in Aldine ISD. Shaina is a speaker for K-12 computer science (CS) and STEM, a CS advocate, and serves as an educational consultant for schools and educational systems in the Houston area, and across the country. Shaina’s impact on schools, districts, CS/STEM and educational technology communities are noteworthy. She is currently CSTA’s Senior Professional Learning Manager as well as one of Code.org’s Regional Program Managers with the University of Texas-Austin. Shaina develops, supports, and facilitates programs and professional learning experiences for computer science educators, CSTA members, and chapter leaders. She manages the student and teacher standards, creates professional learning opportunities, develops local chapter leadership, and oversees the CSTA Equity fellowship.

She also serves as a member of the Texas Computer Science Advocacy Coalition, the president of CSTA Greater Houston, as well as a writer for the CSTA K-12 CS Standards, and Texas’ K-8 Technology Applications standards. In her free time, she enjoys yoga, painting, cooking, and spending time with her family.

“I love an event for educators by educators that is centered around what we all want to learn!”

Shaina Glass

Andrea Quintana

Zuni Elementary School
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Edcamp New Mexico

Andrea is proud to be a teacher in Albuquerque Public Schools for 25+ years! She has taught Kindergarten her entire career, and recently moved into instructional coaching and teacher support where she leads professional development initiatives for her district. She is a National Board Certified Teacher (2006, 2015) and Early Childhood Generalist, working to support National Board candidates throughout New Mexico. She is a “tech nerd”, who is a Google Certified Teacher, Apple Teacher, OSMO Ambassador, Pear Deck Coach, and Nearpod Pioneer, always looking for ways to empower student engagement. In 2018, she began a podcast with friends, “Hallway Renegades” to showcase teachers and all the amazing things they do. In 2017 she brought Edcamp to New Mexico supporting over 7,000 educators to collaborate and work together to transform learning in 21st Century classrooms! Andrea also serves as NMASCD President, and is always looking for ways for educators to connect.

“What I love best about Edcamp is the teacher-led learning and sharing of innovative ways to change teaching and learning.”

Andrea Quintana

Agnieszka “Aggie” Salter

Instructional Coach Leader and Innovation Teacher
Our Lady Queen of Peace School
Madison, Wisconsin
Edcamp MADWI

Aggie is an Instructional Technology and Professional Development Specialist. She recently had the honor to join the QOPC family as an Instructional Coach Leader and Innovation teacher in Madison, WI. Aggie is one of the first curriculum designers, trainers, and teachers for KP Compass, an online interactive curriculum platform. She is a Google Educator, Google Education Trainer, Apple Teacher, and Flipped Classroom certified educator who provides training for various midwest school districts. She presented at ISTE, DeICe, Google Summits, SLATE, Summer Spark, and WiscNet and is one of the EdCampMadWI organizers. She is an official trainer for NEARPOD and one of the NEARPOD pioneers. Aggie also worked on digital piano instructions with Quincy Jones and Playground music. She was a quarter-finalist for the GRAMMY Music Educator Award in 2016.

“At Edcamp, you can’t beat getting together with like-minded educators for teacher-driven professional learning!”

Agnieszka “Aggie” Salter

Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD

Professor of Education
Sanford College of Education for National University
Poway, CA
Edcamp BetterTogether

Dr. C is a Professor in the Sanford College of Education for National University in San Diego, CA. Currently, she is the Academic Program Director for the Master of Arts in Social and Emotional Learning and is the former APD for the Master of Science in Educational and Instructional Technology (MSEIT). She is a recognized leader in Educational Technology, who was awarded EdTech Digest’s Higher Education Technology Leader of the Year in 2020. She earned the prestigious ISTE and CUE Award for *Making IT Happen* (2019), as well as earning a Gold and Platinum Disk from (CUE) for her lifetime achievements and service to the educational technology community. Dr. C is a pioneer in the area of online learning where she has designed and taught online courses since 1999. Her ongoing research focuses on the efficacy of online learning in higher education and how synchronous methods of online communication enhance teaching and learning. Her latest book in press, Assessing through the Lens of SEL, by Corwin will be out Fall 2023. Exploring Online Learning through Synchronous and Asynchronous Methods was published in April 2020 by IGI Global.

“I love that Edcamp is “organic”, addresses “just in time topics” and allows voice and choice for all attendees.”

Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD
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