Develop Leadership – Digital Promise

Develop Leadership

Develop Leadership

Building and implementing a computational thinking pathway requires shared leadership. While support and leadership from your district superintendent and district personnel is important, it is also important to include the voices of building and teacher leaders.

As you build your initial leadership team make sure to include district and building administrators, curriculum specialists, teachers, library media specialists, and other educators from your district who can support the development of your computational thinking pathway. You could also consider inviting parents or students to be leaders in the process. Once you have a team, begin developing a rapport for working together and a team vision for why computational thinking is important in your district based on your equity goal.

As you develop your leadership team, ask yourself:

  • What stakeholder voices are needed to design an inclusive computational thinking pathway for our district?
  • Does our leadership team reflect the diversity of our district?
  • Why are we integrating computational thinking K-12 in our district?
  • Are we building the leadership capacity needed to make this successful?
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