Dynamic Learning Project – Digital Promise

Dynamic Learning Project

Dynamic Learning Project
Digital Promise, with support from our partners Google and EdTechTeam, launched the Dynamic Learning Project pilot (DLP) in 2017 with the goal to increase educational equity and impactful use of technology through instructional coaching.

In three years, the DLP reached 163 schools in 32 school districts across 10 states—Alabama, Arkansas, California, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin, and Texas—to support school-based instructional technology coaches with mentoring, professional development, and continuous improvement data for coaches, principals, and district leaders.

We found that teachers who received DLP coaching, compared to their peers who didn’t, used technology more frequently and in more impactful ways with their students, which resulted in increased student engagement and learning. Overall, our findings suggest that the DLP was more than just a promising intervention—it produced research that can inform ongoing conversations on teacher professional development, coaching, and technologies for learning. Learn more about our Theory of Change.

Learn more about the Google for Education Certified Coach program, which is based on the Dynamic Learning Project pilot.

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