About This Playbook – Digital Promise

About This Playbook

The Digital Promise Instructional Coaching Playbook is designed to help schools and districts build and sustain effective coaching programs. A successful coaching program is the result of a strong leadership team composed of district and school administrators as well as instructional coaches.

This playbook is based on three years of research on the Dynamic Learning Project pilot (DLP) from 2017-20, a nationwide instructional coaching program that supported more than 2,700 teachers in 160 predominantly Title I schools in increasing the quality of technology use in their classroom.
Please use the navigation bar on the left side of the page to find the pieces of the playbook that are most useful to you.

Why Teachers Need Coaches explains what instructional coaching is and explores five reasons teachers need coaches. This section will help you make the case for establishing coaching in your school or district if you don’t already have it, or it can help you advocate for more impactful coaching if you do already have a coaching program in your school or district that could be improved.

Structure a Sustainable and Scalable Coaching Program helps you build a coaching program from the ground up or take your current coaching program to the next level. This section is divided into three phases so you can navigate to and work through the phases depending on your school or district’s current coaching situation.

Develop Effective Coach-Teacher Collaboration provides actionable strategies for building the coach-teacher relationship that is at the heart of any successful coaching program. Regardless of your school or district’s current coaching situation, the principles of effective coach-teacher collaboration should be fostered through thoughtful planning, practice, and continuous improvement.

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