Reinvent the Classroom – Digital Promise

Reinvent the Classroom

In partnership with HP, Microsoft, and Intel's Reinvent the Classroom initiative, Digital Promise Global presents three exciting programs that celebrate powerful teaching and learning with technology.

As part of the Reinvent the Classroom initiative, a collaboration with HP, Microsoft and Intel, Digital Promise Global presents three exciting programs that celebrate powerful teaching and learning with technology.

Featured Projects

Our Blog Posts


A teacher stands by a student working at their computer

Proudly Announcing the 2023 Cohort of HP Teaching Fellows

Now in its fifth year, we are excited to unveil the extraordinary educators who comprise the 2023 Cohort of HP Teaching Fellows! These educators have been meticulously chosen for their unwavering dedication to harnessing the power of technology to create transformative learning experiences for students across the United States and Canada.
By Jasmine McCallum, Nick Schiner and Starian Porchia

Reinvent the Classroom Videos

Reinvent the Classroom Live Learning Showcase - Authentic and Challenging Powerful Learning

Reinvent the Classroom Live Learning Showcase - Personal and Accessible Powerful Learning

Rooting Technology Decisions in Inclusivity, Insights from HP Teaching Fellow Alina Morelli Baima

Considering Students Lived Experiences in VR Lessons, Insights from HP Teaching Fellow Scott Beiter

Revolutionizing Education with Minecraft: Insights from HP Teaching Fellow, Mashfiq Ahmed

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