The Pilot Study Briefs provide synthesized findings from edtech pilots to help education leaders make evidence based product selection decisions. To find out more about which products work best in which context, explore the briefs below.
The MassNET Research Report, Year 2, sought to identify the conditions for successful use of digital instructional tools in the context of Boston Public Schools (BPS). The school’s involved in the Lexia Core5 pilot defined their goal as personalizing learning through the implementation of instructional software for ELA in grades K-8.
The MassNET Research Report, Year 2, sought to identify the conditions for successful use of digital instructional tools in the context of Boston Public Schools (BPS). The school’s involved in the i-Ready pilot defined their goal as personalizing learning through the implementation of instructional software for ELA in grades K-8.
The MassNET Research Report, Year 2, sought to identify the conditions for successful use of digital instructional tools in the context of Boston Public Schools (BPS). The school’s involved in the ThinkCERCA pilot defined their goal as personalizing learning through the implementation of instructional software for ELA in grades K-8.
The MassNET Research Report, Year 2, sought to identify the conditions for successful use of digital instructional tools in the context of Boston Public Schools (BPS). The school’s involved in the Writing A-Z/Raz-Plus pilot defined their goal as personalizing learning through the implementation of instructional software for ELA in grades K-8.
The goal was to increase the capacity of a small group of teachers to develop and implement a blended learning model in order to provide a greater level of personalization of learning for students.
The goal of the pilot was to determine whether Levered Learning Math was an effective core instructional tool for supporting the range of students in Salt Creek’s 4th grade classrooms.
ReadWorks’ goal for seeking a partnership grant was to infuse the latest research on learner variability into their platform design to better support the full diversity of learners.
The pilot goal was for Woot Math Polls to support mathematics teachers in more frequently administering and more effectively using formative assessment in their classrooms.