Delivering on the Promise of Digital Equity – Digital Promise

Delivering on the Promise of Digital Equity

Illustration showing different hands using devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops

Digital knowledge and skills are a requirement for success in today’s world. But digital skill gaps negatively impact individuals’ future job opportunities and earning potential, particularly those who have been historically and systematically excluded.

Fortunately, the historic $65 billion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) represents a significant federal investment in advancing digital equity and inclusion; closing digital divides in underrepresented communities; and expanding infrastructure, access, and digital ability.

Our new report, “Delivering on the Promise of Digital Equity,” is designed to help state and local community leaders find effective ways for investing this funding in K-12 education to increase digital equity. It provides:

  • An overview of what we know about the digital skills and knowledge necessary for success
  • An outline of where the largest gaps exist
  • Proposed solutions (“9 Big Plays”) to close those gaps, based on Digital Promise’s research and policy efforts and our direct work with district and school leaders

Our goal is to help learners transition successfully from K-12 to postsecondary and other pathways to achieve greater well-being and economic security.

Learn More from Chief Digital Equity Officer D'Andre J. Weaver

Suggested Citation
Weaver, D. J. (2022, December). Delivering on the promise of digital equity. Digital Promise.

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