New Tech Network – Digital Promise

New Tech Network

New Tech Network

1250 Main Street,
Napa, CA 94559


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Redesigning high schools: New Tech Network (NTN) works nationwide with schools, districts, and communities to develop innovative public schools that fundamentally rethink teaching and learning. Founded in Napa, California, in 1996, New Tech is made up of approximately 175 schools in 28 states, China, and Australia.

College-ready assessments within PBL: 95 percent of freshmen who enter NTN high schools graduate in four years, 73 percent of NTN students choose to enroll in college, and 83 percent of these college enrollees remain enrolled the following year.

Facilitating personalized project-based learning: In NTN schools, students collaborate on meaningful projects that require critical thinking, creativity, and communication to answer challenging questions or solve complex problems. By making learning relevant to them in this way, NTN students see a purpose for mastering skills and content concepts required in their state.

Lydia Dobyns


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