Acknowledgments & References – Digital Promise

Acknowledgments & References

Acknowledgments & References
Authored by Sarah Cacicio, Sierra Noakes, & Livia Rojas
The Digital Promise Adult Learning Team expresses utmost respect and gratitude for the individuals who participated in interviews and case study groups, including dedicated frontline workers and adult learners.

We sincerely thank members of the expert advisory committee who provided key insights, critical feedback, and genuine encouragement to propel this work, including Cherie LaCour-Duckworth at the Urban League of Louisiana, Erin Mote at InnovateEDU, Holly Dobson, LPN and frontline worker representative, Iliana Wood at the City of Madison, and Joylin Kirk at Burning Glass Technologies. In addition, we greatly appreciate contributions made by Digital Promise researchers from the Learning Variability Project and Powerful Learning teams, with special thanks to Lisa Jobson, who co-led data analysis with heart and skill. We also thank Dr. Patti Constantakis, who spurred the first phase of this work, and consulted on research and communications for this project in collaboration with our partners from the T3 Innovation Network from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Ideas in this project are informed by the incredible work of World Education and partners from the Digital US coalition as we work to collectively promote digital resilience for workers across the nation. Finally, this work would not have been made possible without the generous grant support and thought partnership of Walmart.


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