Key Findings – Digital Promise

Key Findings

Key Findings
Authored by Sarah Cacicio, Sierra Noakes, & Livia Rojas

As a result of this research, we learned that an individual leader can spark an idea or curate a dataset, but it takes a community of stakeholders — including workers — to generate a movement toward real, measurable impact for all involved. Case study findings were particularly important in illustrating what successful cross-sector collaboration and data sharing can look like.

Drawing on the original set of research questions, the following section explores more closely what it takes to build powerful, data-driven, worker-centered ecosystems, and makes clear why stakeholder participation, including workers, is so critical moving forward.

The first set of findings, stakeholder incentives, identifies the motivations for each stakeholder group, and articulates what would incentivize their involvement in a collective impact effort. The second set of findings identifies drivers of change, including workers who are directly impacted, and outlines their potential role in this effort. Lastly, the network-building strategies synthesizes a set of actionable steps to help communities get started, based on case study findings.

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