Next Steps – Digital Promise

Next Steps

Next Steps
Authored by Sarah Cacicio, Sierra Noakes, & Livia Rojas
Achieving data interoperability without the inclusion of the worker is not possible—or even beneficial—to the workforce system at large. Our research makes clear that a single organization or entity cannot fully understand the needs and interests of a community or employer. Rather, stakeholders must come together to share needs and design collective, collaborative, and data-driven solutions with workers. Collective impact efforts such as Digital US, a coalition of national stakeholders committed to building a digitally resilient workforce, indicate that a network approach is powerful, achievable, and leads to impact at multiple levels.

When it comes to data interoperability, you have to create systems that people can participate in. Creating a more participatory environment of data collection helps everything. It creates returns everywhere.
Samantha Schartman-Cycyk
Chief executive officer, Connected Insights
Today, leaders in government, education, and industry are exploring technology-based solutions to more efficiently match individual skill sets to opportunities, such as digitally-referenceable career standards, interoperable data systems, open job data resources, and the adoption of interoperable learning records (ILRs). These efforts hold promise for frontline workers, but in order for them to access, navigate, and use these kinds of technologies, research and development (R&D) must involve workers themselves. It is critical to recognize that all frontline workers do not share the same needs, experiences, and advantages in the workplace. Involving workers in the development of systems and programs to support their advancement creates opportunities and also can strengthen and promote racial, gender, and digital equity in frontline sectors.


More and more, the return on investment from the learner's perspective is going to be the most important topic of discussion when it comes to higher education and career training.
Stephen Yadzinski
Acting general manager, JFFLabs at Jobs for the Future
As we have seen time and time again, solutions that are pitched and implemented without consulting those who are directly impacted fall short of their potential. Moving forward, we need to design systems that are worker-centric, worker-informed, and worker-driven to coordinate our efforts, advance workplace equity, and guarantee greater impact. We recommend implementing an Inclusive Innovation R&D process to collaborate with frontline workers as co-experts in designing solutions to thrive in a skills-based economy and achieve mobility.
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