We offer an array of resources to make organizing an Edcamp easy.
What makes Edcamp special?
Edcamp Video: This brief animated video explains how and why an Edcamp works. Watch it (and share!) to understand the Edcamp difference.
Edcamp Blog: This blog post outlines some key learnings and takeaways from the “Edcamp Design for Learning Series” (February 2022).
Terms & Conditions: See our Code of Conduct, as well as the tenets of the Edcamp model, our data sharing policy, and branding requirements.
Organizer Handbook: This step-by-step guide breaks down the process to make organizing easy.
Ready to start planning your Edcamp? Check our Organizer Toolkit:
Edcamp Logo: Create a unique logo for your event using the Edcamp Community logo as a base.
Edcamp “Social Press Kit”: These templated social media posts highlight Edcamp’s unique value offerings, allowing you to promote the Edcamp model to your network with one easy click.
Organizer Checklist: Our checklist will help you keep track of all the moving parts.
Social Media Guidance: Spread the word about your specific, upcoming Edcamp on social media by customizing this suggested language.
Apply for a Micro-Credential: Educators who organize Edcamps are creating rigorous and personalized learning experiences. The Edcamp Organizer micro-credential honors this skill set by quantifying leaders’ depth of understanding about participant-driven professional development.
Want to make your Edcamp a unique, personalized event? Download and customize these templates:
Session Board Template: A starting point to get creative with your digital session board. Remember to link your session topics and notes correctly, and don’t forget to update the privacy settings so people can access it!
Certificate of Completion template: Create certificates for your participants so they can apply for professional development credit, if applicable. If you are unable to edit PDFs, click here for a downloadable template in Google Slides instead.
Edcamp Sticker: Show off your Edcamper spirit! Download our free digital sticker for your email signatures and social media profiles.