Powerful Use – Digital Promise

Powerful Use

Powerful Use

Featured Story

In this video, you will see teachers from cohort one reflect on how their instruction has changed as a result of the increased access to learning resources.


Do You Have Powerful Use Of Technology For Learning?

What does powerful use of technology for learning look like? When we are totally connected and information is always accessible, classrooms change . . . therefore, the questions we ask our learners need to change as well! Here are examples of what learning in this new world can look like. View all challenges and lessons learned below!



Are you helping your teachers solve these challenges?

Help students select challenges that are meaningful to them.

Put students in situations that require them to be leaders.

Give students open-ended challenges that require creative solutions.

Help students learn how to find, evaluate, and use digital resources on their own.

Connect your students to a local and global network.

Help students find solutions and take productive action.

Help learners document and share evidence of their learning.

Help students self-reflect on their progress and adjust.

Improving learning with the power of technology

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