A TLC is a team of forward-thinking educators who advocate the use of technology to enrich learning experiences. These are passionate teachers who meaningfully integrate technology into their lessons to improve student outcomes while providing additional support to their colleagues, which accelerates change across the school campus. TLC members are not necessarily the tech whizzes of the school. Instead, they are enthusiastic individuals willing to embrace new teaching methodologies, regardless of their prior tech experience, and are open to sharing their learning with their peers.
Cultivating leadership teams is a key component of the Leadership for Digital Transformation domain of Digital Promise’s K-12 Digital Equity Framework.
Anyone at a school can start a TLC. Typically, a principal, assistant principal, instructional coach, educational technologist, or teacher leader will lead the charge. Building an effective TLC can be broken down into four phases: recruit, onboard, lead, and empower.
Based on more than a decade of experience with Verizon Innovative Learning Schools, in which TLCs are a core element of a school’s success, the TLC Toolkit was developed to address the growing need for meaningful technology integration in education. The toolkit provides the tools and resources needed to help schools start and sustain a team of teachers who can lead and support their colleagues in integrating technology into the classroom and beyond.
Ready to learn more? Explore our resources on cultivating teacher leadership within your school. Together, let’s create a brighter future for our students.
Do you like what you see? Download this TLC Toolkit 1-pager for editable links to the resources found in the TLC Toolkit.
The TLC Leader is responsible for organizing meetings and activities and supporting the professional growth of the members.
By providing teacher leaders with diverse opportunities to extend their leadership, we unlock their full potential to influence and inspire positive change well beyond their classroom walls.
Danielson, C. (2006). Teacher leadership that strengthens professional practice. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Levin, B.B., & Schrum, L. (2017). Every teacher a leader: Developing the needed dispositions, knowledge, and skills for teacher leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Fullan, M. (2011). Change leader: Learning to do what matters most. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
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