Digital Literacy and Responsibility – Digital Promise

Digital Literacy and Responsibility

Digital Literacy and Responsibility

Featured Story

In this video, you will see parents at Carroll Middle School share tips on how they plan to help students be digitally literate and responsible at home!


Are Your Learners Digitally Literate And Responsible?

Learners need more than access; they need to know how to use technology to learn. In this phase, teachers are beginning to give students the freedom to explore and evaluate resources themselves. Here are some of their lessons learned. View all challenges and lessons learned below!



Are you helping your teachers solve these challenges?

Know how to find, evaluate, and use digital resources.

Prepare your students to be safe and responsible.

Strengthen parent relationships and communication.

Connect with and learn from other educators.

Help students use digital resources ethically.

Improving learning with the power of technology

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