Module 3: Marketing with Facebook Ads – Digital Promise

Module 3: Marketing with Facebook Ads

Module 3: Marketing with Facebook Ads
Create a compelling and targeted experience! Advertising with Facebook is an influential way to reach your audience. Learn how to create a simple ad campaign for your organization that is in line with your specific business goals.

Module Challenge

Create a simple-ad campaign for your organization that is in line with their specific business goal(s). For example, this could be creating awareness through an event, generating leads for new members, selling a product or services, or boosting loyalty to the organization.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn to create Facebook ads using Ads Manager

  • Understand the basic process needed to create an ad
  • Understand how to determine an objective for an ad campaign
  • Understand how to use Ads Manager to target specific audiences
  • Understand how to set a budget and schedule for an ad campaign
  • Understand how to use Ads Manager to create various types of ads (image, video, slideshow, carousel, etc.)
  • Understand how to use Ads Manager to monitor and measure the performance of an ad campaign

Skills Acquired

  • Determine the right ad objective for a business’s goal
  • Use tools to target specific audience for an ad campaign
  • Produce ads of different types (images, videos, slideshow, carousel, etc.)
  • Use tools to monitor, measure, and edit an ad campaign to meet the campaign goals

Module 3 Overview

Mini Challenge

Lesson 1

Why Ads?

Review best practices for advertising on Facebook.

Lesson 2

The Basics

Determine the objectives for your first ad.

Lesson 3

Choose Audience

Use template to plan for engaging target audience based on your objective.

Lesson 4

Ad Placement

Choose where to run your ads.

Lesson 5

Budget and Schedule

Discuss budget for ads: consider whether to set a lifetime or daily budget.

Lesson 6

Create Your Ad

Set goals and create 2-3 ads for your first campaign.

Lesson 7

Manage and Track Your Ad

Use Ads Manager or the Ads Manager App to monitor performance.

Lesson 1


Why Ads?

Mini Challenge

Review best practices for advertising on Facebook.

Lesson 2


The Basics

Mini Challenge

Determine the objectives for your first ad.

Lesson 3


Choose Audience

Mini Challenge

Use template to plan for engaging target audience based on your objective.

Lesson 4


Ad Placement

Mini Challenge

Choose where to run your ads.

Lesson 5


Budget and Schedule

Mini Challenge

Discuss budget for ads: consider whether to set a lifetime or daily budget.

Lesson 6


Create Your Ad

Mini Challenge

Set goals and create 2-3 ads for your first campaign.

Lesson 7


Manage and Track Your Ad

Mini Challenge

Use Ads Manager or the Ads Manager App to monitor performance.

Facilitation Tips

  1. This module will take the longest to complete, but it is arguably the most important module for learners’ social media marketing skills development.
  2. This module is organized to provide a step-by-step guide for creating an ad using Ads Manager. One idea is to start by using the “boost” function to introduce the idea of an ad. Then come back and go through each lesson in detail with all of the examples.
  3. Spend time on the purpose of the ads, and guide learners through careful consideration of ad format as well as imagery, copy, and a clear call to action.
  4. Go through all six modules before learners start to create ads.
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