Digital skills are now fundamental skills for social mobility. But fewer than 10 percent of people who need digital skills training and support are able to access education services due to longstanding systemic inequities. An estimated one-third of US workers across industries and occupations would benefit from developing digital skills, particularly among workers of color.
The adult learning initiative works to expand equitable access to the digital skills, tools, and credentials that people need to succeed in today’s changing economy. See below for more information about projects in this area:
Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners: A Resource Guide
Digital Promise, in partnership with the Barbara Bush Foundation, has released a new resource guide for educators, employers, and volunteers who work with adult learners in the context of digital literacy. The guide, which was peer-reviewed by 16 adult literacy experts and corporate partners, is grounded in understanding adult learner variability and includes practical approaches for working with adult learners to meet their digital literacy needs and goals. Continue your professional development and read ‘Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners’ here.
Digital Marketing Micro-credentials with Facebook
Digital Promise partnered with Facebook to design four training modules and micro-credentials in social media marketing. We collaborated with 39 organizations across the country to train 3,000 adult learners (and counting!).
Digital Skills to Access Learning and Employment Records
We recently launched a new project to establish a professional learning community to engage end users of Learning and Employment Records in user research and advance equitable implementation practices. Our goal is to understand and communicate what is needed for learners to access and use LERs effectively, documenting user issues related to implementation including digital skills, hidden costs, connectivity, and access to digital devices. This builds on previous research and development work related to LERs.