Social Media Marketing Micro-credentials – Digital Promise

Social Media Marketing Micro-credentials

Facebook modules


Digital skills are fundamental for social mobility. According to pre-pandemic research by Burning Glass Technologies, roughly eight out of ten middle-skills jobs now require digital skills. Middle-skills jobs are those requiring less than a bachelor’s degree while paying a life-sustaining wage. Digital skills such as IT networking, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and social media marketing have been found to pave the way to more opportunities and higher paying wages across industries. But how can people develop, verify, and communicate their digital skills with prospective employers?

In 2017, Digital Promise partnered with Facebook to design Social Media Marketing Micro-credentials with Facebook, including four training modules. We collaborated with nearly 40 organizations across the country to train more than 3,000 adult learners in developing in-demand social media marketing skills using Facebook and Instagram. Through this pilot project, job-seekers, career-changers, and entrepreneurs—from jewelry to piñata makers—gained the digital marketing skills needed to promote products and services on social media, grow a customer base, and increase their income. 

Digital Promise’s Social Media Marketing Training Modules and Micro-credentials with Facebook are now publicly available and free for adult learning providers and learners to use.

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