Research and Resources – Digital Promise

Research and Resources

We believe in the power of research to ground and inform our work. Here are several reports where we explore coaching as a tool to close the Digital Learning Gap.

The Valuable Role of Edtech Coaches during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey

This report

presents findings from a survey administered to instructional technology coaches in the United States at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It shows the role that instructional technology coaches played in the transition to online and home-based instruction.

Suggested citation: Bakhshaei, M., Seylar, J., Pati. R., & Vang, M.C. (2020). The Valuable Role of Edtech Coaches during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey. Digital Promise.

Illustration of Scaling up classroom coaching for impactful technology use reportIllustration of three mobile devices with up arrows

Scaling Up Classroom Coaching for Impactful Technology Use: Results from Year 2 of the Dynamic Learning Project

Building on findings from the inaugural year of the program, this report shares results from Year Two of the Dynamic Learning Project pilot, focusing on how coaching improves teacher practices and student engagement and learning. Read the full report and download our infographic to further explore our Year Two findings.

Suggested citation: Bakhshaei, M., Hardy, A., Ravitz, J., & Seylar, J. (2019). Scaling Up Classroom Coaching for Impactful Technology Use: Results from Year 2 of the Dynamic Learning Project. Digital Promise.

Illustration of Fostering powerful use of technology through instructional coaching reportillustration of a woman with statistics

Fostering Powerful Use of Technology Through Instructional Coaching: Results from the Pilot Year of the Dynamic Learning Project

This report shares results from the inaugural year of the Dynamic Learning Project pilot, making the case that classroom-based coaching improves teacher and student impactful technology use. Read the full report and download our infographic to further explore our Year One findings.

Suggested Citation: Bakhshaei, M., Hardy, A., Francisco, A., Noakes, S., & Fusco, J. (2018). Fostering Powerful Use of Technology Through Instructional Coaching: Results from the Pilot Year of the Dynamic Learning Project. Digital Promise.


illustration of exploring coaching for powerful technology use in education cover

Exploring Coaching for Powerful Technology Use in Education

This literature review explores existing empirical evidence on the efficacy of coaching as a form of professional development, and provides an overview of potential frameworks for designing and evaluating coaching programs focused on meaningful technology use.

Suggested citation: Ehsanipour, T. & Zaccarelli, F. G. (2017). Exploring Coaching for Powerful Technology Use in Education. Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University. 


illustration of Prevelance of coaching and approaches to supporting coaching in education report

Prevalence of Coaching and Approaches to Supporting Coaching in Education

Digital Promise and Learning Forward partnered to design a national survey exploring the prevalence of and existing support for instructional coaching across the U.S. This report discusses the findings of the survey and offers recommendations for improvement.

Suggested citation: Van Ostrand, K., Seylar, J, & Luke, C. (2020). Prevalence of Coaching and Approaches to Supporting Coaching in Education. Digital Promise.

1. Our Conceptual Framework: Coaching and Impactful Technology Use

2. Our Research Question

3. Our Methodology

4. Open Resources

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