Powerful Coaching Virtual Summit 2023 – Digital Promise

Powerful Coaching Virtual Summit 2023

Illustration of mountains with a flag planted at the peak of the tallest one. Text reads: Powerful Coaching Virtual Summit, Presented by the Powerful Learning Coach Community. July 25, 11:00 a.m. ET

Event Overview

How Much: Free
When: July 25, 2023 @ 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET
Where: 100% Virtual – Tune in from any country across the globe!
Who Should Attend or Submit a Proposal: Teacher Leaders, New or Seasoned Instructional Coaches, Professional Learning Specialists, Campus Administrators, District Professional Learning Coordinators (and more!)
What: Share how you are creating Powerful Learning Experiences for educators through the power of coaching within the communities you serve.
Why: To bring together optimistic educators from across the globe who are passionate about driving change for and from their schools by creating powerful learning experiences for educators.

Attendee Schedule

Event Timeline

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET

Networking / Coffee Chats

12 – 1 p.m. ET

Keynote Address by Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad: Unleash the Power of Your Coaching with the Connectome

1 – 3 p.m. ET

Breakout Sessions led by Coach Community Members:

  • Know Your Gogies: Understanding Adult Learning to Coach Across Generations with Nicole Zumpano
  • Using the Learner Variability Navigator to Support Coaching with Renee Dawson
  • Creating an EdTech Coaching Community with Laurie Guyon
  • Avoiding Burnout: How Leadership Coaching Creates Positive Change in Schools with Dr. Kelly Hastings
  • Supporting New Educators with Instructional Planning and Delivery with Dr. Matt Rhoads
  • Making the Most out of Your Coaching Cycles and Instructional and Technology Coach Meets the Future Ready Coach with Agnieszka Salter
  • Maximizing Impact: Time-Saving Strategies for Instructional Coaching Success with Patricia Ferris
  • Coaching Goes Social: Utilizing Marco Polo to Support Connection and Reflection and Coaching Triads: Mastering Coaching Conversations through Practice with Tasia King

3 – 4 p.m. ET


  • The Power of Instructional Coaching for Organizational Change
    • Moderated by Jason Green and Victoria Thompson
    • Featured Speakers: Renee Dawson, Nicole Zumpano, Tameka Cooper, Liz Schultz, Anni Kumar

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET

Event Timeline

Networking / Coffee Chats


12 – 1 p.m. ET

Event Timeline

Keynote Address by Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad: Unleash the Power of Your Coaching with the Connectome


1 – 3 p.m. ET

Event Timeline

Breakout Sessions led by Coach Community Members:

  • Know Your Gogies: Understanding Adult Learning to Coach Across Generations with Nicole Zumpano
  • Using the Learner Variability Navigator to Support Coaching with Renee Dawson
  • Creating an EdTech Coaching Community with Laurie Guyon
  • Avoiding Burnout: How Leadership Coaching Creates Positive Change in Schools with Dr. Kelly Hastings
  • Supporting New Educators with Instructional Planning and Delivery with Dr. Matt Rhoads
  • Making the Most out of Your Coaching Cycles and Instructional and Technology Coach Meets the Future Ready Coach with Agnieszka Salter
  • Maximizing Impact: Time-Saving Strategies for Instructional Coaching Success with Patricia Ferris
  • Coaching Goes Social: Utilizing Marco Polo to Support Connection and Reflection and Coaching Triads: Mastering Coaching Conversations through Practice with Tasia King

3 – 4 p.m. ET

Event Timeline


  • The Power of Instructional Coaching for Organizational Change
    • Moderated by Jason Green and Victoria Thompson
    • Featured Speakers: Renee Dawson, Nicole Zumpano, Tameka Cooper, Liz Schultz, Anni Kumar

Proposal Details

Access the Proposal One-Pager

Submit a Proposal

Submissions Due: May 29, 2023

Those submitting proposals must be:

  • a current practitioner associated with a K12 or HigherEd organization
  • working directly with students and/or educators on a daily basis as a core part of their current role
  • a member of the Powerful Learning Coach Community prior to the end of the application window

Session Leaders: Here is a sample list of people we would love to hear from!

  • Peer Collaboration & Support: Teacher Leaders, New/Aspiring Coaches, Department Chairs, PLC Leaders, Campus Improvement Committee Members, etc.
  • Professional Learning & Coaching: Campus or District Instructional, Technology, or Content Coaches, Curriculum Specialists, Digital Learning Integrationist, etc.
  • Organizational Change: Campus, District, Organizational Leadership, Professional Learning Directors, Coordinators, Administrators, etc.

Guiding Questions for Session Proposals:

  • What do you do to create the conditions for Powerful Learning Experiences for educators?
  • How do the Powerful Learning Principles show up in your work as it relates to coaching?

Session Types: We are looking for educators at every level to submit proposals to lead Coaching Strategy Workshops, facilitate Roundtable Discussions, or submit On-Demand Interactive Resources.

  • Roundtable Discussions (25 minutes)
  • Coaching Solutions & Strategies Workshops (50 minutes)
  • Submit Pre-recorded or On-demand Interactive Content and Resources (5 – 20 minutes)

Contact Us

For questions or other inquiries, you can email Coach PLC.

Powerful Coaching Virtual Summit logo next to the Digital Promise logo

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