Research-Practice-Industry Partnerships – Digital Promise

Research-Practice-Industry Partnerships

A teacher shares her thoughts during a faculty meeting.

A Research-Practice-Industry Partnership (RPIP) integrates professional learning, research, and development by bringing together diverse, cross-sector expertise and shifting power dynamics so that all participants have a voice. A RPIP demonstrates a type of feedback loop, wherein bi-directional and iterative feedback transforms the knowledge, action, or goals of all involved parties. Interactions among the parties are designed with a focus on collaboration, which enables purposeful interactions that can help bring potential future conflicts and opportunities into focus.

In an RPIP, educators, researchers, and product developers are intentionally engaged together in R&D, working towards a common research goal that is both grounded in learning sciences and centered on teachers’ needs. A central facilitator ensures each party is deeply engaged because their unique value propositions are honored, and that all participants’ voices are equitably included. The outcome is a product more likely to be used, used appropriately, and to have the desired impact for learners, with each party building capacity to do similar or related work in the future.

An RPIP has four key components:

  • Professional Learning: The participating educators receive professional learning on design thinking and perspective-taking, which will enable them to represent their students’ needs effectively. They also receive technical training on the edtech tool.
  • Collaborative Research Design: The educators, researchers, and developers collaboratively refine the study focus based on their context, content, and technical knowledge. Additional research questions may be added.
  • Feedback Loops: The educators, researchers, and developers engage in cycles of software development, testing, and analysis of results. A Digital Promise facilitator leads design meetings where educators report on their experiences, researchers collect and analyze data, and developers make and report on product improvements.
  • Product and Practice Improvement: Together, participants generate recommendations for classroom best uses, UX design, content improvements, and professional development/support materials.

In a RPIP, every partner involved receives a unique benefit from their participation.

Industry/Product Developer



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