How It Works – Digital Promise

How It Works

Verizon Innovative Learning Schools collaborates with select middle and high schools across the country to provide technology tools and training to support transformative teaching and limitless learning. Every partnership starts with what experience tells us are the three pillars to supporting robust digital learning for all students.

Always Available Access

Each school receives dedicated devices and accessories for all students and teachers. Devices come with 30GB of monthly data so students can tackle their schoolwork anywhere they go.

We also provide technical project management and an IT stipend to support readiness and implementation across your district and in each school.

Two girls looking at an iPad

Powerful Professional Learning

Each school receives a stipend toward an instructional technology coach. These coaches help build educator capacity by providing real-time, job-embedded support and coordinating synchronous and asynchronous professional learning opportunities.

Educators also have access to virtual conferences and a repository of learning resources, as well as on-demand courses with the opportunity to earn Digital Promise micro-credentials upon successful completion. In addition, all staff have the opportunity to engage in several blended learning experiences each school year.

Our professional development supports both initiative outcomes and individual school goals. We focus on leveraging technology to create new and innovative learning opportunities that improve student engagement and learning.

Two women looking at an iPad.

Collaborative Community

In addition to accessing professional learning opportunities and a host of always available resources, educators and leaders can tap into the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools network to support your digital learning transformation. Virtually and in person, we bring people together to share ideas, learn from each other, and create lasting change.

Three people talking in a classroom.

Join Us!

Each year, Digital Promise selects schools to be part of Verizon Innovative Learning Schools and join the program in cohorts. Each cohort begins their journey together and has the opportunity to collaborate, share, and learn from previous cohorts. As schools progress through the second year of the program and beyond, they offer mentorship, best practices, and resources to schools new to the program. 

During the second year, schools have the option to apply for a two-year extension to continue their participation.

We look forward to speaking with you about how we can help your district supercharge your digital equity work. Fill out this interest form, and a member of our team will be in touch.

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Improving learning with the power of technology

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