Key Roles and Responsibilities – Digital Promise

Key Roles and Responsibilities

teacher and student looking at ipad
It’s important to have dedicated staff to help support Verizon Innovative Learning Schools. Learn more about the key roles and responsibilities at the district and school levels:

District Lead: The District Lead is a district-level employee who will manage the overall project, including district communication with Verizon and Digital Promise. This person should:

  • Be able to lead the creation and implementation of strategic plans regarding district readiness and rollout,
  • Work with school and district leadership to complete Verizon Innovative Learning Schools professional learning requirements,
  • Have a high-level understanding of the operations, policies, and key people in the district, and
  • Be able to navigate and communicate with all Verizon Innovative Learning Schools stakeholders through various channels with ease.

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District IT Lead: The District IT Lead is a district-level employee who will be the primary project manager for technology and device management with Digital Promise and Verizon. This person should:

  • Be able to lead the team who will set up, filter, and manage all devices and infrastructure in the program,
  • Work closely with School IT to remove obstacles and create support structures at the school level, and
  • Work closely with the District Lead and principals around processes to ensure success.

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Principal: Verizon Innovative Learning Schools principals are defined as the school-based administrator (preferably principal or assistant principal) who work closely with the District Lead, District IT Lead, and Coach to align district and school goals. They ensure systems are in place for teachers and students to effectively leverage technology for powerful learning. Verizon Innovative Learning Schools principals are responsible for:

  • Consistently communicating the vision of how the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools initiative aligns with and supports goals around the “why” within schools.
  • Ensuring coaches are singularly focused on their role in providing professional learning to the building’s teachers.
  • Ensuring teachers have flexibility to fully engage in both formal and informal professional learning.

The most successful principals will devote time and attention to the project, both within their schools and districts, and within the larger Verizon Innovative Learning Schools community of other principals.

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Verizon Innovative Learning Coach: The Verizon Innovative Learning instructional technology coach (Coach) is a full-time position at a school focused on providing teachers with the pedagogical support to effectively use technology in the classroom. This position requires a student-centered learning philosophy, creative problem-solving abilities, interpersonal and communication skills, and eagerness to take a leadership role.

The district/school is responsible for appointing a full-time, school-based Coach for the program’s two-year duration (with the opportunity to extend an additional two years if approved). Coaches may not be assigned any classes or other duties. The Verizon Innovative Learning School will receive a minimum of $25,000 per year to support a full-time Coach in each school. (Exact amount will be finalized once all schools have been selected.) Additional funding for salary and benefits to employ a full-time Coach is the responsibility of the district/school.

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School-based IT: The School-based IT is a school- or district employee who will be the primary point of contact for technology and device management at the school level. This person should work closely with the District IT Lead to manage device incidents through resolution and implement timely and effective systems for technology use in schools. The coach may not serve as the School IT. A stipend of $5,000 – $8,500 per year (depending on school size) will be provided to support School IT in each school. For schools with 50 teachers or less, $5,000 per year will be provided for School IT support; for schools with 51+ teachers, $8,500 per year will be provided for School IT support.

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