What are the research requirements? Any district accepted into Verizon Innovative Learning schools Cohort 13 will participate in Digital Promise’s research during all years of participation in the program. Adult participants and some student participants will be invited to complete surveys and interviews during their Verizon Innovative Learning Schools years (no more than once or twice per year), and some schools will be invited to serve as case study sites where the research team will conduct classroom walkthroughs and more in-depth interviews and focus groups. All participation by individuals is completely voluntary, but schools and districts are expected to encourage participation in the research for programmatic improvements.
How will this research be used and how will schools benefit? The findings of the research will be used primarily to inform program implementation and improvement. Schools that participate in case study research will also receive tailored student-focused reports. All findings will ensure participants’ identities are kept confidential (e.g., through the use of pseudonyms). Sometimes, findings will be shared in aggregate at conference presentations or in Digital Promise’s written work.
Questions? Please contact Hillary Greene Nolan at hgreenenolan@digitalpromise.org with any questions about research or the Case Study School opportunity!
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