Device Rollout Toolkit – Digital Promise

Device Rollout Toolkit

Device Rollout Toolkit

About the Toolkit

This Device Rollout Toolkit is designed to equip school and district leaders with resources to assist in planning a successful event to distribute devices to students. The resources provided here will also help you set the stage for success post-rollout, with systems and processes that support students, staff, and families throughout the year.

For you, we are extending a special thank you for heading up this celebration. The rollout will be the first of many opportunities to celebrate and learn with students and families through always-available access!

Common Shared Vision of Rollout

The primary goals for a school’s device rollout are outlined below, but we know that every district and school has unique circumstances, so these should be elaborated upon, added to, or altered to fit the needs of your students, teachers, and families.

Important language:

  • Rollout event – The event you hold to distribute 1:1 learning devices (tablets, laptops, hotspots) to students. It is a celebration that brings the school community together and builds buy-in from staff and families.
  • Rollout planning – The preparation for the rollout event includes careful planning and consideration that will lead to the development of school-wide systems and practices that support digital equity long after the event has taken place.
  • Post-rollout technology planning – Technology-related planning to prepare for a 1:1 learning environment; planning includes systems, processes, and professional learning that support students, staff, and families throughout the year.

Goal #1: All students receive a device with reliable high-speed internet.

  • Devices need to be “checked out” to students – this means IT/administration teams have a system in place to track which devices were given to which students and who does not have a device. A best practice is for schools to maintain a regular cadence of checking inventory, at a minimum twice a year.
  • Supplemental accessories shouldn’t be ignored. Ensure all students receive a device with a protective case and a charger.
  • In order to receive a device, students and families must complete required user agreements. This is described in more detail in the School Expectations, Policies, and Procedures section.

Goal #2: Students, schools, and families connect and learn.

  • Rollout is designed to be an event where schools and families celebrate the exciting opportunities provided through always-available access.
  • Provide opportunities for parents and families to learn about the device, including basic functions, resources for safety/monitoring, digital citizenship, and ways to connect with teachers and the school.
  • Plan for learning opportunities to occur before or during rollout. STEM-focused stations led by students are really engaging, as are parent workshops on digital responsibility.
  • Make a plan to continue to engage families well beyond the initial rollout to showcase learning and reinforce good habits.

Goal #3: Celebrate!

  • The rollout should be a celebration—not of the devices, but of what students can do with the technology. Create a fun event atmosphere for everyone involved. Check out this video from Newburg Middle School in Louisville, Kentucky, on what a rollout celebration can look like.

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