The visibility of staff devices ahead of rollout also helps build excitement around the 1:1 initiative. As principal at Argyle, James Allrich modeled iPad use daily. He had it with him at all times and used it in front of students and staff. He even was able to review grades with students in his school right from his iPad.
Another strategy to build excitement is getting devices to the student technology team early. The team can help you see the student challenges, and other students seeing the tech team members using the devices and troubleshooting with teachers can help set the stage for when the rest of the student body would receive their devices.
On the day of the device rollout, the entire school should have one goal: to get the devices to students. Argyle Middle School had a special schedule for the day which included an opening lesson, a morning video about rollout, and student digital citizenship lessons. They also had pop-up activities led by the student tech team, like coding with mini Spheros and learning how to use apps to draw. If students had their agreement papers signed they were able to receive the devices right away; if the agreement papers weren’t signed, parents were invited to a digital citizenship lesson and then received assistance in filling out the paperwork.
In order to drum up excitement in the community, consider inviting local officials, the superintendent of schools, and the Board of Education, as well as local media. Having “important” people in the school builds a sense of pride in the students.
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