Commit to Sustaining the Plan – Digital Promise

Commit to Sustaining the Plan

Commit to Sustaining the Plan
Your district and Board of Education’s longstanding and committed support is essential to building a strong sustainability plan. There is no doubt that as relief funding runs out and increased dependencies on the general school budget happen there will be competing priorities for funding. Keeping your superintendent’s cabinet and Board of Education informed about the looming funding cliff and sharing your plan to mitigate the risk of going over the cliff will show forethought and proactivity on your part. By laying out your sustainability plan and quantifiable goals early on, you should have a workable road map to completion of your plan as long as the district remains committed and your measurement process is transparent. The technology department’s commitment and follow-through in executing the plan must be carried out so that the measurements of progress, perhaps in KPIs, can be reported.

Continue to measure and report the results to your cabinet and Board at predetermined intervals in time. By reporting quarterly, especially during this time of windfall, you will establish a baseline for success that you will continue to maintain throughout the years, even when external funding is waning. The high success rates should continue to be the aspiration so that committed funding can be secured.

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