Implementation Roadmap – Digital Promise

Implementation Roadmap

Implementation Roadmap

The six phases in this roadmap support effective micro-credential implementation, which can be thought of as a cycle:

I. A Primer on Micro-credentials and Competency-Based Professional Learning

Description: This document provides an introduction to Digital Promise’s micro-credentials and explains how they can strengthen competency-based professional learning systems.

Recommended Use: This resource can serve as an initial “level-set” for staff to learn about micro-credentials and the larger field of competency-based professional learning.

Resource Type: Primer

II. Micro-credentials Introductory Infographic Video


: This video describes the concept of micro-credentials, the process required to earn one, and the ways educators can use micro-credentials.

Recommended Use: This resource can be used to visually familiarize staff with the basic idea of micro-credentials. Some districts may decide to integrate this video into onboarding materials for educators.

Resource Type: YouTube File

III. Making Professional Learning Count


: This report highlights the importance of effective professional development for educators and summarizes teachers’ attitudes toward competency-based professional learning.

Recommended Use: This resource can be used to introduce district staff to the concept of competency-based professional learning and to begin thinking of how their current PD structures compare to trends from the field.

Resource Type: Report

IV. Micro-credentials: Igniting Impact in the Ecosystem

Resource Description

: This collection of case studies from current micro-credential partners identifies the ways micro-credentials can be used to address various challenges.

Recommended Use: This resource provides on-the-ground perspectives from states, districts, and issuers on micro-credential implementation. These case studies can help districts probe their own PD landscape to prepare for micro-credential implementation.

Resource Type: Report

I. Professional Learning Strategic Goal Setting Quickstart

Resource Description: This resource outlines some of the questions districts should consider when they begin their micro-credential implementations.

Recommended Use: This resource can be used to isolate a vision and identify associated goals around micro-credential implementation.

Resource Type: Questionnaire

II. Educator Professional Learning Temperature Survey

Resource Description:

This sample questionnaire asks educators to describe their professional learning experiences, both district-provided and otherwise.

Recommended Use: This resource can be used to gauge the effectiveness of previous professional learning strategies.

Resource Type: Questionnaire/Survey

III. Digital Promise Micro-credential Implementation Plan

Resource Description:

This template guides the creation of a step-by-step plan for micro-credential implementation.Recommended Use: Districts can use this resource to identify the necessary outcomes, metrics, and steps to move their professional learning strategy around micro-credentials from conception to execution.

Resource Type: Template

IV. Micro-credentials for Impact: Holding Professional Learning to High Standards

Resource Description:

This report explores the many areas districts must consider, from data to leadership, to ensure micro-credentials enable powerful educator professional learning.

Recommended Use: Districts can use this report to strategize on their focus areas for micro-credential implementation.

Resource Type: Report

V. Developing a System of Micro-credentials: Supporting Deeper Learning in the Classroom

Resource Description:

This report describes the development of the Deeper Learning micro-credentials to show how they support academic and socio-emotional student growth.

Recommended Use: Districts can use this report to support planning of specific micro-credential catalogues aligned to academic and social priorities for students.

Resource Type: Report

I. Micro-credentials: Spurring Educator Engagement

Resource Description: This report highlights several strategies for recognizing or incentivizing micro-credentials that are currently in implementation.

Recommended Use: This report can be used as a starting point for districts to plan micro-credential recognition structures for their educators.

Resource Type: Report

II. Preparing for Micro-credential Implementation Best Practices

Resource Description:

This guide shares recommendations gathered from district and state leaders who have led highly-engaged micro-credential pilots.

Recommended Use: These best practices can be used to answer potential questions related to starting a micro-credential pilot and shape its strategic direction.

Resource Type: Guide

III. Educator Professional Learning Journey Infographic

Resource Description:

This infographic describes how micro-credentials can support an educator’s professional growth throughout their career.

Recommended Use: This graphic can be included in introductory content that is shared with educators to orient them to the concept and process around micro-credentials.

Resource Type: Infographic

I. Digital Promise Micro-credential Platform Walkthrough

Resource Description: This guide walks educators through the technical stages of earning a micro-credential.

Recommended Use: During educator onboarding, this resource can be used to assist educators as they navigate the technical aspects of earning a micro-credential.

Resource Type: Guide

II. Steps to Earning a Micro-credential Infographic

Resource Description:

This infographic describes the four steps to earn a micro-credential.

Recommended Use: Districts can include this graphic in educator micro-credential onboarding and/or posted around schools and teacher lounges to encourage micro-credential submission.

Resource Type: Infographic

III. Pre-pilot Teacher Survey

Coordinate with the educator micro-credentials team at to discuss the process for accessing this resource.

I. Leveraging Social Media for Educator Engagement and Growth

Resource Description: This guide highlights how a variety of social media tools can be used to strengthen the experiences of educators during the pilot.

Recommended Use: This guide can support districts design a social media strategy that will support educators throughout the pilot.

Resource Type: Guide

Post-pilot Teacher Survey
Coordinate with the educator micro-credentials team at to discuss the process for accessing this resource.

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