Deeper Learning Micro-credentials – Digital Promise

Deeper Learning Micro-credentials

Illustration of Digital Promise Deeper Learning Micro-credentials
Deeper Learning” is an umbrella term for the skills, understandings, and mindsets students must possess to succeed in today’s jobs and civic life. Digital Promise embarked upon a mission to determine how teachers can demonstrate and be recognized for their ability to engage students in Deeper Learning. The result of this effort is a set of 40 micro-credentials, which can be mapped to specific Deeper Learning competencies. They are organized into categories to align with the Deeper Learning strategies that are essential for students to achieve at high levels.

How to Earn a Micro-credential

Micro-credentials recognize educators for the skills and competencies they learn throughout their careers. To earn a micro-credential, educators submit evidence of their competence (e.g. context for a lesson, examples of student work, student and teacher reflections). That evidence is then assessed by experts or peers based on a set of evaluation criteria.

To start earning these Deeper Learning micro-credentials, click on the stack or micro-credential name. All micro-credentials can be found on the Digital Promise Micro-credential Platform.

Areas of Deeper Learning

Critical Thinking | Creative Thinking & Innovating | Communicating | Collaborating | Learning to Learn | Digital Fluency | Social & Cross-Cultural Interactions | Understandings | Personal Mindsets | Social Mindsets | Managing Projects | Learning Practices | Performance Mindsets


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