We work with schools, communities, families, researchers and developers to engage in co-research and co-design of education solutions.
Our priority areas focus on:
We work at the intersection of schools and communities to support the creation of whole child solutions that provide students with viable, accessible opportunities to learn and thrive. With a focus on agency, well-being and economic mobility, our research and development (R&D) initiatives are designed to ensure outcomes result in impacts that enable every student, especially those furthest from opportunity, are successful.
We are committed to amplifying the voices of students, practitioners, and other participants throughout research and evaluation studies, with the goal of identifying ways in which education programs, initiatives, and systems provide those furthest from opportunity with broad access to powerful learning.
Participatory approaches to research and evaluation ensure that those intended to benefit from and those responsible for implementing programs and initiatives have a voice in what is researched, how data are collected, and how findings are interpreted and used.
The future of education must be collaborative, community-centered and relevant to our students’ changing world. With the Collaborative Innovation Studio, we support school districts, communities, researchers and developers to co-create bold education solutions that serve every learner.
The Collaborative Innovation Studio enables you to: