Always Available Access – Digital Promise

Always Available Access

Always Available Access

Featured Story

In this video, the students at Rancho Minerva Middle School in Vista, California explain the process for taking their devices home over the summer.


Are You Ready For Always Available Access?

You’ve closed the digital divide and every learner now has access – at school and at home. Now what? How will the classroom change? How will home life change? What are the first things to think about during this shift? View all challenges and lessons learned below!



Are you helping your teachers solve these challenges?

Understand WHY and HOW technology supports learning.

Use technology to support your own learning.

Create a plan to increase interest and engagement in S.T.E.M. topics.

Provide interactive resources to students.

Provide students with always available access to classroom resources.

Check for understanding and give feedback faster.

Improving learning with the power of technology

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