Ready to Launch – Digital Promise

Ready to Launch

Ready to Launch

Featured Story

In this video, you will see how Vista Unified School District leveraged their student leadership team to create buy-in and excitement for the rollout event.


Are You Ready To Launch?

It is almost time to roll out devices to learners. Are policies in place? Are teachers and parents comfortable? Are behavior expectations clear? Here’s everything you need to think about to make the rollout a learner-focused celebration! View all challenges and lessons learned below!


Have you communicated expectations and possibilities?

Create policies that support always available access

Create a handbook and/or FAQ guide for parents and students

Develop shared behavior protocols

Help teachers set individual goals for post-rollout instruction

Are you ready for the hand off?

Create a process for device check-out

Pre-plan for device check-in

Plan a celebration event for the rollout

Have a documentation strategy for the rollout

Improving learning with the power of technology

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