Use Case Library – Digital Promise
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A Solution to Student Records Exchange that is Secure, Efficient & Easy to Implement

This use case explores a solution to student records exchange that is secure, efficient, and easy to implement.

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Abington School District: Increasing Access to Advanced Courses through Interoperability

Abington School District’s goal is to reduce opportunity and access gaps for marginalized students in advanced/honors courses. Through data interoperability, they aim to provide timely interventions for designated students to provide greater access and opportunity to advanced/honors courses. They also recognize the need to address grading practices directly in order to ensure that grading is being done fairly and equitably.

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Achievement First: A Getting Smart Data Interoperability Case Study

This use case focuses on the data ecosystem that Achievement First has development to support student learning and outcomes.

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Achieving a Seamless Plug and Play Ecosystem

This is a use case on how Lee County Schools (FL) focused on changing their procurement practices to achieve student-centered learning.

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Beaverton School District: Exploring the Impact of Supplemental Funding on Equity

The Beaverton School District (Oregon) team set an ambitious goal: determining the degree to which supplemental funding is contributing to opportunity gaps for students throughout the district and impacting educational outcomes. District leaders are aware that some schools have received significant numbers of books and technology resources from parent organizations, while others have not. Additionally, some schools have disproportionately larger menus of after-school activities available for students as a result of parent fundraising and employer contributions. The team’s goal is to close these opportunity gaps so that all students have access to powerful learning experiences.

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Boston Public Schools: Centralizing Systems With Ed-Fi

This use case explores how Boston Public Schools centralized systems using Ed-Fi solutions.

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Building a Foundation for Teachers to Inform Instruction with Data

This use case focuses on Stephenville Independent School District's experiences and insights in Digital Promise's Assessment Data Challenge Collaborative.

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Case Study: Oklahoma’s Interoperability Story

This use case details the experiences of the Oklahoma State Department of Education with navigating and selecting an interoperable solution.

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Compton USD: Identifying and Addressing Disproportionalities with Timely Data

The Compton USD team is committed to providing teachers and administrators access to all available data sources (assessments and usage reports) such that they can make decisions regarding instructional practices and interventions in a timely manner. Additionally, the team aims to enable district and school administrators to identify disproportionalities in learning, attendance and other metrics impacting students who are English Learners, African American, Homeless and Foster Youth, and members of the special education (SPED) population.

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Creating A Digital Curriculum Ecosystem

Learn how Gwinnett County Schools’ strategy for a seamless digital ecosystem is allowing them to be digital on day one of learning.

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