ELP also offered all participants monthly webinars that focused on instructional practices and relationship-building with colleagues, as well as opportunities for participants to exchange ideas and stories about their respective practices.
Here we describe those highlights along with other interesting findings:
“The problems are too big, but if you let that stop you from solving the small problems, then you’ve given up entirely on the profession.” —Building Mentor
[One of my teachers last year] was close to quitting teaching altogether, and I said, ‘You’re a great teacher,’ [I] encouraged him to try a different district, and wrote him a letter. Now he’s there, it’s closer to home, it’s a different place, and he loves it and is happy he stayed in teaching. So I think it’s definitely helping keep teachers in teaching, even if they move. —Building Mentor
[ELP] is helping me stay. Last year, I had a team that did their own thing and I felt really alone, and if it wasn’t for my mentor or coach, I’m not sure if I would’ve stayed in teaching because I felt so alone. They worked closely with me. My coach made me feel validated and heard and like she was someone I could work with. Those were my people. My building mentor here last year I wouldn’t have known right away [if not for ELP], but she noticed I was struggling and helped me and hooked me up with others who could help, so that was something that made me want to keep teaching. —Second-Year Teacher
Source: ELP evaluation new teacher spring 2023 survey (n=40).
“I change my mind every single day if I want to make this my life’s work or not… Right now I think yes. I think there’s value in this and would help people stay. Again making connections outside of your district is a valuable part. I know in my building it’s hard to even float out of my hallway and meet other colleagues to learn from them. This program makes it a little less isolating. After that last webinar I told my coach, if I didn’t have my people in my school, I wouldn’t make it.” —First-Year Teacher
ELP returning new teachers’ perceptions of the value of emotional and pedagogical supports
Source: ELP evaluation new teacher survey, fall 2022
Learn more about the ELP Pilot Mentoring and Coaching Program: