Join Digital Promise’s Center for Inclusive Innovation and Social Studies Accelerator for a SOCIAL STUDIES UNCUT virtual showcase
Friday, March 10, at 12 p.m.–3 p.m. ET.
Culturally responsive and relevant social studies curriculum and teaching practices value the diversity of students and incorporate student perspectives, experiences, and contributions into the learning experience. As a result, students:
Leave with real connections, ideas, and supplemental resources to implement relevant and culturally responsive teaching.
Cultural Inclusivity and Encouraging Diverse Expression
Hear perspectives from students on diversity of imagery and curriculum in classrooms and how offering more culturally inclusive curriculum resources encourages great student engagement.
Social Studies in the Current Climate
Listen as these leaders share about social studies in the current climate and the value of fostering an appreciation for diversity in identities, cultures, and perspectives through various resources
Keesha CeranTeaching for Change
Nell K. DukeCenter for Early Literacy Success, University of Michigan
Elizabeth HamDesign for Change, USA
Marisha HumphriesCenter for Early Literacy Success, University of Michigan
Ashley MannThe Morgan Project
Stephane ManuelTrueFiktion LLC
Heather WilliamsReconstruction
Welcome, Introductions, and Housekeeping
12–12:15 p.m. ET
Perspectives: A Panel with Students and Field Experts
12:15–12:55 p.m. ET
Why Social Studies Uncut?
Future-Forward Thinking
12:55–1:15 p.m. ET
Social Studies Discovery Showcase
1:15–2 p.m. ET
Q+A Breakout Rooms
2–2:45 p.m. ET
Click the button below to sign up for Social Studies Uncut!