Strengthening Student Voice and Choice in Adolescent Writing – Digital Promise

Strengthening Student Voice and Choice in Adolescent Writing

Participating Districts

Click on the links below to learn about the context and solutions created by the Socorro ISD and Sunnyside USD teams.


  1. 1 Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. Writing 2011: National Assessment of Educational Progress at Grades 8 and 12.

  2. 2 Hart Research Associates. “Rising to the Challenge: Are High School Graduates Prepared for College and Work?” Achieve, Inc. 2005 report. 2011 report.

  3. Sarah Butrymowicz. “Most colleges enroll many students who aren’t prepared for higher education.The Hechinger Report. January 30, 2017.

  4. 3 Nora Fleming. “NAEP Shows Most Students Lack Writing Proficiency.Education Week. September 14, 2012.

  5. 4 California Writing Project. “ Because Writing Matters: Helping Your Children Become Skilled, Confident Writers in and Beyond School

  6. PBS NewsHour. “Study: Writing About Values Boosts Grades, Shrinks Achievement Gap.” April 17, 2009.

  7. 5 Steven Graham and Dolores Perin. “Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools.Carnegie Corporation of New York. 2007

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