Module 1: Social Media Marketing Basics – Digital Promise

Module 1: Social Media Marketing Basics

Module 1: Social Media Marketing Basics
Interested in building a platform for your organization or business? Social media can help you create a community, connect directly with customers, and grow your business. Learn the basics of marketing—starting with understanding the needs of your organization—and create a Facebook Page to reach existing and potential customers. In this workshop, you will get introduced to the world of digital marketing with Facebook and Instagram.

Module Challenge

You will work with an organization in the community to identify their social marketing needs and develop an initial Facebook Page for the organization.

Learning Objectives

Learners will be able to gather information about an organization and distill it into the essential elements needed for social media marketing platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

  • Understand basic social media marketing, especially with Facebook
  • Understand the social media marketing needs of an organization
  • Understand the elements of Facebook business Page
  • Understand how to create a Page and create posts of different types
  • Understand security settings and how they apply to a business

Skills Acquired

  • Identifying and analyzing the social media marketing needs of an organization
  • Creating a Facebook Page, including privacy/security settings
  • Completing Page information– about, profile, and cover photos
  • Creating posts of different types– text, photo, and video

Module 1 Overview

Mini Challenge

Lesson 1

Introduction to social media marketing

Find examples of social media marketing using Facebook.

Lesson 2

Create your Page

Gather information and images and create your Page!

Lesson 3

What about Security?

Go to your Facebook Page, click on “Settings” and make any changes based on the needs of your organization or company.

Lesson 4

Engage your Audience

Learn as much as you can about your organization, its mission, and its audience.

Lesson 1


Introduction to social media marketing

Mini Challenge

Find examples of social media marketing using Facebook.

Lesson 2


Create your Page

Mini Challenge

Gather information and images and create your Page!

Lesson 3


What about Security?

Mini Challenge

Go to your Facebook Page, click on “Settings” and make any changes based on the needs of your organization or company.

Lesson 4


Engage your Audience

Mini Challenge

Learn as much as you can about your organization, its mission, and its audience.

Facilitation Tips

  1. Review the workbook in depth, and plan out your lessons accordingly. Be sure to select examples of high quality Facebook pages prior to facilitating sessions.
  2. Get to know your learners. Before diving into the content, lead ice-breaker activities to learn more about who the learners are and why they are taking this workshop. Understanding learner motivation is key to creating a high quality learning environment, and boosting learner outcomes.
  3. Learners should enter the workshop with a plan for which organization or business they are going to use to develop their Facebook page and social media marketing skills. This could include their own product or service they intend to promote.  
  4. Learners must create a new Facebook page or have admin access to an existing Facebook page to participate in the workshops.
  5. Throughout the course, learners will have the opportunity to update and revise their Facebook page. Recommend that learners first start with an unpublished page until they are ready to make it public. More is more when it comes to Facebook marketing.The more information, resources, and posts the page has, the more opportunities your customer base will have to engage with the content. Consider walking the learners through the following key items: 
    • Create Your Page
    • Name of Org (what if it’s already taken?)
    • Username
    • Cover photo
    • About
  6. Provide opportunities for learners to explore free stock photos via Pexels or Unsplash for example, and make sure they are using photos with proper license.
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