Module 4: Marketing with Instagram – Digital Promise

Module 4: Marketing with Instagram

Module 4: Marketing with Instagram
With one million people on Instagram, it’s a perfect complement to your Facebook Page. Learn how to use this popular photo-sharing platform to market and advertise your business and create an authentic experience for your target customers.

Module Challenge

In this challenge, you will select another business goal for your organization and create a simple ad campaign in Instagram to address that goal.

Learning Objectives

Students will gain an understanding and the skills related to Marketing with Instagram.

  • Understand how to use Instagram to promote a business
  • Understand the similarities between Instagram and Facebook for social media marketing
  • Understand key strategies on how to create content and posts that engage audiences
  • Understand how to use Instagram Insights to measure performance of posts, followers, and impressions
  • Understand how to create effective ads for Instagram
  • Understand how to measure ad performance in Ads Manager

Skills Acquired

  • Create and use Instagram posts of different types to engage an audience and build presence
  • Use Instagram Insights to track profile information to inform an ongoing engagement strategy
  • Create and produce ads using formats for Instagram (photo, video, story, etc.)
  • Use tools to monitor, measure and edit an ad campaign to meet business goals

Module 4 Overview

Mini Challenge

Lesson 1

Getting Started

Create your Instagram Business Account.

Lesson 2

Creating Content

Create 3-5 Instagram posts, using features like hashtags and Stories to tell the “story” of your organization.

Lesson 3

Creating and Measuring Ads

Consider how Instagram may be used differently than Facebook, and create an ad that tells a story visually.

Lesson 1


Getting Started

Mini Challenge

Create your Instagram Business Account.

Lesson 2


Creating Content

Mini Challenge

Create 3-5 Instagram posts, using features like hashtags and Stories to tell the “story” of your organization.

Lesson 3


Creating and Measuring Ads

Mini Challenge

Consider how Instagram may be used differently than Facebook, and create an ad that tells a story visually.

Facilitation Tips

  1. How can Instagram be used differently than Facebook? Start with a discussion about how learners currently use and/or observe ads on Instagram. Consider your target audience. Instagram is:
    • more mobile
    • more visual/less text
    • easily connected to shopping
  2. Have learners create a few regular posts before they start to think about creating ads using Stories or other features
  3. Creating and measuring ads requires the same process as Facebook. This lesson reviews how to create and measure ads in Ads Manager.
  4. Be sure to review how to “promote” a post.
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