Instructional Coaching Playbook – Digital Promise

Instructional Coaching Playbook

Instructional Coaching Playbook

Teachers Need Coaches

Instructional coaching has rapidly grown during the past two decades. Empirical studies suggest that instructional coaching can be more effective than traditional professional development workshops in creating meaningful change in teacher practice and student achievement. That said, there are still many remaining questions about what instructional coaching is, how it should be executed to leverage teacher professional growth, and how districts can create real-world sustainable programs that transform their systems.

Why do teachers need instructional coaches?

Coaching can be transformative for school and district communities. A growing body of research provides evidence on how and why coaching supports these outcomes. By fostering conditions for teacher learning and culture change, coaching can drive deep and meaningful change in teacher practice, leading to improvement in student learning and engagement.

How can you build and develop a successful instructional coaching program?

Whether you are just getting started with coaching or are trying to improve or expand your existing coaching program, this playbook will help you lay the groundwork for success. It provides you with research-backed practical strategies to build and grow a sustainable and scalable coaching program and develop effective coach-teacher collaboration. The strategies shared in this playbook may be used in any order, but a successful implementation requires considering all of them.

Google for Education
Coach Certification

The Digital Promise Instructional Coaching Playbook was developed based on three years of research on the Dynamic Learning Project pilot that equips leaders and coaches with the strategies necessary to build and implement successful instructional coaching programs for their specific purpose.

New and existing coaches can also access the structured curriculum and research-proven coaching model based on the Dynamic Learning Project pilot by becoming a Google for Education Certified Coach. The Certified Coach program empowers instructional coaches to work 1:1 with educators and particularly drive impactful technology use in their schools.

Learn More

This Playbook was written and designed by Mahsa Bakhshaei and Angela Hardy.
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