Our Approach – Digital Promise

Our Approach

Illustration of a magnifying glass looking at data, a network map and a laptop

Digital Promise works across research, technology, and practice to shape a more equitable and innovative future of learning.

Research informs decision-making

Research fuels innovation and continuous improvement. Through our Center for Learning Sciences Research, we investigate a wide range of educational topics from early childhood through postsecondary, emerging areas and technologies like artificial intelligence and computational thinking, and more. Our Center for Inclusive Innovation also focuses on building the capacity for districts and communities to engage in equity-centered research and development. Across the organization, we engage with partners to put research into action and make learning better.

Magnifying glass over bar charts

Networks connect us with people and ideas

Connecting, convening, and working together on shared goals helps move from vision to reality. Our League of Innovative Schools is a national network of more than 150 forward-thinking K-12 school district superintendents who together solve the challenges facing our schools through innovation and technology. Our Verizon Innovative Learning Schools is a network of more than 500 low-income middle schools that provide 1:1 mobile devices, connectivity on and off campus, and professional development, to create an environment that prepares students for college and the jobs of the future.

A network map showing circles connected by lines

Technology is about more than access—it’s about powerful use

Engaging learners with relevant, inspiring, and challenging work helps them develop agency in their learning—the power to make choices and take action—for the rest of their lives. Learners of all backgrounds and identities should be able to participate fully in society, education, and the workforce. Across programs and initiatives such as Micro-credentials and the Learner Variability Project, we use our principles for Powerful Learning to support educators and learners in creating meaningful learning experiences with technology.

Device showing a wi-fi connection

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