Onboarding a Teacher Leader Corps – Digital Promise

Onboarding a Teacher Leader Corps

adults around a table having a meeting

The Second Step: Starting Strong through Onboarding

When it comes to creating a successful Teacher Leader Corps (TLC), starting strong is essential. As principals and instructional coaches, respecting teacher time is crucial. A thorough plan will set the tone that membership in this group will be both valued and valuable. During onboarding, create clarity around the roles and expectations of TLC members. This includes defining their purpose, outlining their responsibilities, and establishing clear goals and objectives.

The TLC has inspired me to take initiative in my department to be another resource available to my colleagues for tools that I know would benefit each of us.
Melissa Garcia
TLC Member, Orange Public Schools

  • Host an initial meeting. You’ve recruited your members and are ready to get started, but how do you begin? The first meeting should allow members to get to know each other a little better, explain the purpose of a TLC, and begin to plan for the year. Check out the TLC Kickoff Meeting Slide Deck for ideas on how to use an action plan and roles and responsibilities sign-up. The TLC Toolkit 1-pager has a link to an editable template with comprehensive slide notes that will make designing your first TLC meeting a breeze.
  • Create an action plan. Allow the group to co-create an Action Plan. The action plan should be based on the gaps and opportunities discovered during the recruitment phase. An action plan asks the group to commit to a big purpose, set one or more goals, identify action steps with timeframes, and determine the benchmark indicators to know if the goal is met. Setting an action plan at the beginning of the year will allow the group to have a unified purpose with measurable results. The action plan provided in the TLC Toolkit has a completed example that may be useful to review as your group begins to craft your own.
  • Delegate responsibilities. Once the team’s purpose and actions are outlined, it’s time to determine who will do what. Use a tool like the Teacher Leader Corps Roles and Responsibilities Template to have teachers sign up based on their skills and interests. On the TLC Toolkit 1-pager, you’ll find an editable template where you can change the layout to meet your needs.

Toolkit Onboarding Resources

Ready to get started? Download the TLC Toolkit 1-pager for a list of editable resources.

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