Student Tech Team Toolkit – Digital Promise

Student Tech Team Toolkit

Student Tech Team Toolkit

Creating a student tech team can be a catalyst for empowering students to develop real-world transferable skills, engage in authentic leadership of their school community, and participate in self-directed and project-based learning. Building a team of student leaders is a sustainable way to transform your school’s culture around powerful learning with technology and to create lifelong digital citizens, innovators, and problem-solvers.

What is a Student Tech Team?

A student tech team is a group of students who act as key enablers for establishing a consistent and sustained culture of powerful learning propelled by technology within their school community. It’s more than just a group of tech-savvy students; the student tech team empowers students to lead their educational technology experience, fostering self-starters and critical thinkers.

The tech team has really impacted my future plans because tech is really everywhere and knowing how to use these resources and help others is really a big part of what I want to do in the future.
Isabella Paez
Senior student tech team member, Mater Academy Florida

Facilitated by a faculty member sponsor, a student tech team provides students with the opportunity to cultivate transferable digital skills such as:

  • Digital Use, Safety, and Technology Skills: Providing essential device maintenance and technical assistance that supports a secure and reliable digital learning experience
  • Digital Creativity: Creating instructional materials and process supports for students, teachers, and families
  • Digital Citizenship: Modeling and promoting digital citizenship and device care strategies for the school community
  • Leadership and Community Building: Leading, co-designing, and contributing to a culture of digital citizenship for students, teachers, staff, parents, and families

Some schools choose to incorporate their student tech team as a class within their master schedule; others choose to create a club that meets before school, after school, or during lunch. While the structure can look different across contexts, it’s important to create a model that works best for your unique community needs and supports all students having access to the opportunity, regardless of their background or academic standing.

Cultivating a student tech team is a key component of the Powerful Learning Propelled by Technology and Consistent Access to Devices and Connectivity domains of Digital Promise’s K-12 Digital Equity Framework.

Check out how Mater Academy’s student tech team teaches their teachers how to use digital tools to enhance learning at Mater Academy in South Florida:

Why Should Your School Have a Student Tech Team?

We’ve changed our school's culture. Our school has had a bad name for years. Now, schools are calling us to hear how we do things. I am so proud to know that we have built a team that is ready to do whatever we can for our community.
Andrea Cook
Coordinator of Digital Learning, Kansas City Public Schools
Establishing a student tech team can increase students’ ownership and buy-in to a culture of digital learning. Student tech teams not only help with resolving device issues, but they also provide an opportunity for students to take on leadership roles in the school, develop a STEM-based skillset, and collaborate in an innovative learning environment.

They transform the classroom into a workshop for authentic and project-based learning where students can develop transferable skills that build their digital literacy and competency, preparing them to be active participants in our digitally driven society. Ultimately, establishing a student tech team in your school can be a powerful step in advancing digital equity and setting your students on a path to future success.

Benefits of Having a Student Tech Team

Technology Skill Building For Sustainability

Elevating Student Voice in the School Community

Student Support for Teacher Professional Development

STEM Education Integration

What is the Student Tech Team Toolkit?

The Student Tech Team Toolkit builds off more than a decade of experience with Verizon Innovative Learning Schools, where student tech teams have played an essential role in maintaining a sustainable 1:1 student device program. This toolkit provides the tools and resources needed to help leaders and facilitators establish and grow a student tech team at their school.

Ready to learn more? This toolkit is designed for you to explore in any order to best suit your needs and interests. Together, let’s empower students as digital learners and leaders of powerful learning with technology in our schools.

Interested in getting started now? Download this 1-pager for editable links to helpful resources found in the Student Tech Team Toolkit.

Suggested Citation:
Digital Promise. (2025, May). Student Tech Team Toolkit. Digital Promise.
  1. DQ Global Standards Microcredentials (GSM): A global interoperable codification of digital skills for AI and sustainability digital intelligence. (2023).

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