League of Innovative Students – Digital Promise
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About the League of Innovative Students

The League of Innovative Students (LOIS) is a cohort of high school students from districts in the League of Innovative Schools. Hosted through Digital Promise’s Center for Inclusive Innovation, each LOIS cohort participates in a design sprint where they lead the development—and sometimes even implementation—of solutions and products that impact the national education landscape.

We believe students are valuable leaders whose unique perspectives and lived experiences should guide education research and solutions. Join us in amplifying their voices within and beyond school walls to drive progress and make education more equitable and innovative!

2024 Spring League of Innovative Students Cohort

For the 2024 Spring Design Sprint, LOIS students are working with Center for Inclusive Innovation (CII) staff members on one project of their choice to build their research and design-thinking skills to impact the national education landscape. From January to June, they will meet virtually with members of their cohort and the CII team to contribute to projects and receive incentives for their participation. At the end of the program, they will have the opportunity to research education challenges faced by their peers, design solutions, and present their work to school leaders or by publishing blog posts or vlogs about their experience.
Project 1: Digital Promise Challenge Map
Project 2: EdTech Equity — Students Co-Design Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Products
Project 3: EdTech Equity — Students + Entrepreneurs Co-Design an Inclusive EdTech Feedback Loop

Students will research the top five equity challenges in education faced by their fellow students. They will showcase solutions to a broad audience, including their school, district leaders, and members of LOIS, and learn about student advocacy.

Students will incorporate their voices and perspectives in the development of a set of product “requirements” for equity in edtech. Students will learn what it means for a product (or curriculum) to be culturally responsive; they will develop criteria for culturally responsive products and get feedback from peers prior to finalizing their criteria in a framework.

Students will co-design and develop a model that researchers and edtech product developers can use to create products that are focused on students needs. The students will collaborate with entrepreneurs, test inclusive edtech in rapid-cycles, and present about the model.

Project 1: Digital Promise Challenge Map

Students will research the top five equity challenges in education faced by their fellow students. They will showcase solutions to a broad audience, including their school, district leaders, and members of LOIS, and learn about student advocacy.

Project 2: EdTech Equity — Students Co-Design Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Products

Students will incorporate their voices and perspectives in the development of a set of product “requirements” for equity in edtech. Students will learn what it means for a product (or curriculum) to be culturally responsive; they will develop criteria for culturally responsive products and get feedback from peers prior to finalizing their criteria in a framework.

Project 3: EdTech Equity — Students + Entrepreneurs Co-Design an Inclusive EdTech Feedback Loop

Students will co-design and develop a model that researchers and edtech product developers can use to create products that are focused on students needs. The students will collaborate with entrepreneurs, test inclusive edtech in rapid-cycles, and present about the model.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is education Research and Development (R&D)?

Who should join LOIS?

Are the meetings in person?

How often are the meetings held?

What skills will students develop?

Does it cost students anything to participate in LOIS?

Will students be compensated for participating in LOIS?

How do students join LOIS?

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