Learning Studios Project Library – Digital Promise

Learning Studios Project Library

The Learning Studio Project Guides are designed to support students in developing important skills in the Learning Studio. The Project Guides are categorized in alignment with the Webb’s Depth of Knowledge framework to indicate the complexity of the project.

An Introduction to the Project Library

Getting started with the Project Guides

Learn more about Depth of Knowledge

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Backpack Project

How might we design something useful and meaningful for a peer?

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Backpack Project (Student Guide)

How might we design something useful and meaningful for a peer?

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Barco de Papel

¿Como podriamos usar materiales 2D para hacer objetos 3D?

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Cariño, Encogí la Máquina

¿Como podriamos crear un modelo 3D de una machina complejo?

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Cinco Sillas

¿Como podriamos usar las metodologías del diseño centrado en el ser humano para crear una silla para una persona específica?

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Climate Champions

How might we use design to combat climate change and its impacts in our community?

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Climate Champions (Student Guide)

How might we use design to combat climate change and its impacts in our community? Prepare:...

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Cortador de Galletas Personalizado

¿Como podriamos usar TinkerCad para crear un objeto adequado para impresion 3D?

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Custom Cookie Cutter

How might we use TinkerCad to create objects suitable for 3D printing?

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Custom Cookie Cutter (Student Guide)

How might we use TinkerCad to create objects suitable for 3D printing?

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