Powerful Digital Learning through Networks – Digital Promise

Powerful Digital Learning through Networks

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League of Innovative Schools

As a forward-thinking network focused on advancing innovative teaching and learning practices, the League of Innovative Schools was uniquely positioned to partner with school districts during the COVID-19 crisis. Advocating for digital equity with renewed urgency, we organized a purchasing consortium to deliver devices to schools and launched #ConnectKidsNow to call for a national solution to close the Homework Gap. Our responsive town hall series leveraged League expertise on topics including student well-being, technology sustainability, and more. At our fall convening, superintendents connected virtually and learned from leading voices in education, technology and access, and social-emotional learning.

Verizon Innovative Learning Schools

In 2020, Verizon Innovative Learning Schools were well-positioned for a smoother transition to distance and hybrid learning than most. In addition to devices with monthly data plans for every student and teacher, the program provides professional learning for educators on how to effectively leverage technology wherever learning is taking place. Throughout the spring and summer, the VILS team provided webinars to support educators both within and outside the VILS network in integrating technology into learning, as well as with planning to roll out new devices to students for at-home use. By the fall, additional professional learning opportunities were available to all teachers nationwide on the Teacher Training Pathways platform, which offers free courses aligned with Digital Promise micro-credentials.

Edcamp: Powerful Learning at Home

A new member of the Digital Promise family of programs, Edcamps are regional, in-person events where educators engage in professional learning centered in the topics most important to them. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to distance learning, Digital Promise hosted Edcamp: Powerful Learning at Home, an Edcamp dedicated to connecting educators to discuss their challenges, share successes, and support one another as they navigated teaching online. As some Edcamps continue online, the Edcamp Community at Digital Promise offers resources for Edcamp organizers to create virtual events and continue professional learning at home.

Maker Learning

Edcamp: Maker Learning provided a space for educators to discuss their most pressing ideas and challenges related to continuing powerful maker learning experiences in hybrid and remote learning contexts. The Powerful Learning at Home: Planning Maker Learning webinar series also guided educators through designing maker learning experiences using each Powerful Learning principle. This series acted as a preview to the Maker Learning @ Home Cohort, a six-month professional learning opportunity designed to support organizations designing maker projects for their learners to engage in at home.

Reinvent the Classroom

Educators involved with the Reinvent the Classroom initiative rose to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through continued professional learning and community building, educators shared how to cultivate powerful learning in a hybrid and distance learning environment through articles and webinars such as “Distance Learning in a Crisis” and “Starting the School Year with Blended Learning.” The HP Teaching Fellows program also offered virtual gatherings where educators could seek support and advice on navigating their specific challenges.

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