Module 2: Marketing with Facebook Pages – Digital Promise

Module 2: Marketing with Facebook Pages

Module 2: Marketing with Facebook Pages
Get the word out! Learn to use your Facebook Page to build awareness of your organization and connect with your audience. Keep customers updated and informed on your latest company events, announcements, and products.

Module Challenge

Now that you have a basic page for your organization, in this mini-challenge, you will use your new Facebook Page to build awareness of your organization and to connect to your audience.

Learning Objectives

Students will gain a fundamental knowledge of social media marketing using Facebook.

  • Understand what it means to use Facebook to promote a business
  • Understand how to use Facebook Pages to build a presence of an organization
  • Understand key strategies on how to create content and posts that engage audiences
  • Understand how to use Facebook comments and Messenger to build a relationship with an audience
  • Understand how to use Page Insights to report on likes, shares, views, and other key information about the organization’s Page.

Skills Acquired

  • Create and use posts of different types to engage an audience and build presence
  • Monitor and respond to comments to build relationships
  • Use Messenger to communicate directly with users to build relationships

Module 2 Overview

Mini Challenge

Lesson 1

Intro to Marketing with Facebook


Lesson 2

Build Your Presence

Create 5-7 effective posts to engage your audience and build community.

Lesson 3

Connect and Build Relationships

Monitor your posts for comments and engage with your audience; send direct messages when appropriate.

Lesson 4

Measure Your Efforts

Measure and reflect on your efforts by looking at the insights page to analyze what is working and what is not.

Lesson 1


Intro to Marketing with Facebook

Mini Challenge


Lesson 2


Build Your Presence

Mini Challenge

Create 5-7 effective posts to engage your audience and build community.

Lesson 3


Connect and Build Relationships

Mini Challenge

Monitor your posts for comments and engage with your audience; send direct messages when appropriate.

Lesson 4


Measure Your Efforts

Mini Challenge

Measure and reflect on your efforts by looking at the insights page to analyze what is working and what is not.

Facilitation Tips

  1. Introduce the concept of building relationships with your audience via Facebook Pages, including posts, comments, and direct messages (when appropriate).
  2. Learners should aim for 15-25 likes for their posts to start.
  3. Relevance is the key factor in creating engaging content and posts for your community. Consider, who are you trying to reach and what information is most important and relevant to them?
  4. Consider facilitating small or whole group discussions to support learners in measuring the impact of their posts. Look at multiple examples then analyze what is working and what isn’t in terms of marketing efforts.
  5. Get learners to understand that they can’t just sit and watch activity on their page. Rather, they have to “talk” with their followers via posts, comments, and messenger. Consider how different marketing strategies elicit different responses.
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