About the GCEN Network – Digital Promise

About the GCEN Network

Illustration showing schools and other places of learning connected across a map of the world
The Global Cities Education Network (GCEN) is an international learning community of urban systems launched by Asia Society in 2012. It transitioned to Digital Promise in 2022, where efforts to expand the network are currently underway.

School systems are rethinking the knowledge and skills students need for success and the educational strategies and systems required for all children to achieve them. Urban school systems are at the locus of change in policy and practice—at once the sites of the most critical challenges in education and the engines of innovation needed to address them.

Working with Digital Promise staff and experts around the world, teams of high-ranking school system and city officials collaborate to identify common, high-priority problems, research best practices, and then develop effective, practical solutions that can be adapted to varying cultural and political contexts. GCEN seeks to share promising practices to develop system responses to systemic education problems, ultimately improving education for all students.

Current Participants 
GCEN members:
Jurisdictions associated with GCEN or other GCEN opportunities:
  • Grenoble, France
  • Peru
  • Estonia
  • Joinville, Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Honduras
  • Singapore
Membership Inclusions

By participating in the network, cities receive expertise and access to the latest international benchmarking research and practice; expertise from around the world; implementation support and tools via technical assistance from Digital Promise and participating experts; and membership in a global urban learning community. We then seek to share learning more broadly with the educational community.

Network Impact

A critical element of high-performing school systems is that they not only benchmark the practices of other countries, they also systematically adapt and implement these practices within their own cultural and political contexts. GCEN is intended as a mechanism for educators and decision-makers to collaboratively dream, design, and deliver internationally informed solutions to common challenges with which education systems are currently grappling.

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