Assessment - Secondary – Digital Promise

Assessment – Secondary

Steps to Design High-Quality Authentic Assessments

Designing authentic assessment is essential to anchor student learning. Authentic assessments provide opportunities for students to apply their learning and demonstrate proficiency in global competence. To develop authentic assessments, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Look at the global, technical, academic, and 21st-century skills that you are planning to achieve through this project. Then think about products, performances, services, and exhibitions of work related to authentic problems and tasks in the world that students can create and share. These should be meaningful tasks that are natural products of the project, relatable to the students, applicable to their own lives, and connected to the global community.
  • Step 2 – Identify formative and summative assessment and match these assessments to authentic audience levels, keeping in mind Ron Berger’s Hierarchy of Audience.
  • Step 3 – Develop criteria and measure performance by:

Authentic Assessment Examples

Want to start to become an authentic assessment guru? Start by taking Module 4: Assessing Global STEM Project-Based Learning, a short 15-minute online professional development module that is part of the Career Readiness in a Global Economy: STEM and CTE program.

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