Student Global Competence Training Modules – Digital Promise

Student Global Competence Training Modules

Digital Promise has created online modules to support CTE students in learning about the skills of global competence. These short, 15–20 minute modules, are self-paced and available through ACTE’s Career Prepped platform. Descriptions of each module are below together with related activity guides and resources featured in each module. All materials are free of charge due to generous support from ECMC Foundation. A Faculty Guide helps faculty utilize the modules in their classes and provides student assignment ideas. Please see the Student Assignment section for accompanying assignments.

Module 1: Defining Global Competence

One in ten Americans is foreign born, and local communities—urban, suburban, and rural—are growing more diverse. One in five jobs is tied to international trade. This means that students must be prepared for work and civic roles in an environment where success increasingly requires the ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds in global markets. This module explores the definition of global competence and asks students to evaluate their own global competence.

Essential Questions:

  • What is global competence and why is it important?
  • What global skills do I already have and which do I still need to work on?
  • What global skills do business leaders look for in employees?

Module 1 Resources

Module 2: Global Competence on the Job and in the Community

This module will help CTE students explore global connections in work and in their community. It explores on-the-job situations requiring global competence and introduces the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for connecting global issues and local challenges.

Essential Questions:

  • What does global competence look like in the workplace?
  • Why do I need global competence for citizenship and my personal life?
  • What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Module 2 Resources

Module 3: Preparing for Global in My Career Field

This module will help students understand the international requirements of jobs in their career field and provides ideas to continue developing global skills by using rubrics for self-reflection.

Essential questions for this module:

  • What do global career readiness skills look like in my field?
  • How can I analyze my personal career readiness skills and make improvements?

Module 3 Resources

Module 4: My Global Competence Plan

This module will assist students in creating their own global competence goals and plan as well as help them articulate their skills to potential employers.

Essential questions for this module:

  • What are my global competence goals?
  • What do I need to learn to accomplish my goals?
  • How can I articulate my global skills to potential employers?

Module 4 Activity Guide and Resources

Certificate of Completion

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