Career and Technical Student Organizations – Digital Promise

Career and Technical Student Organizations

Steps for Integrating Global Projects into CTSO Activities

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) have frameworks and curriculum that are intracurricular and allow STEM-related projects to be applied and coupled with global themes and issues. You can integrate global themes by:

  • Step 1. Encourage students to consider the global scope of potential projects by helping them think through the right questions that will identify potential opportunities.
  • Step 2. Incorporate the right mindset and the four domains of global competence into your CTSO leadership training.
  • Step 3. Use the PMIEF project planning templates, found in the Toolkit for Teachers, to plan projects for your CTSO Program of Work.

Want to integrate global and career ready skills into other areas of your CTE program? Begin by taking Module 9: Developing Global STEM Skills through CTSOs and Service Learning, a short 15-minute online professional development module that is part of the Career Readiness in a Global Economy: STEM and CTE program.

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